Call Center

To have an accurate communication with customers is a way to achieve success in today's business life. With this implementation of our call center, we provide the following services; special number allocation for projects, recording of conversations, inbound & outbound call reporting, SMS sending, point and shipment tracking service via IVR based system with 200 lines.

Reporting System

Shipment and delivery schedule reports, product reports from order basis, call center reports, SMS reports, refund reports, invoice reports are the other services we offer to our customers. With each of these reports, the management and process are carried out correctly.

As the call center manager, customer representatives and team leaders, who have important roles in the operation, can accurately evaluate and manage the whole process through reporting modules. For this reason, such reporting solutions must exist in terms of business monitoring.


Customer Management

Within the scope of loyalty projects, all operation process are transmitted to customers on a regular basis and a healthy and efficient customer relationship management is provided. To achieve seuccess in Loyalty programs, it is really important to interact and communicate with customers to make them feel cared and valued.

It is necessary to work and coordinate with a professional call center team in order to meet the expectations of the customers and to produce solutions according to their demands.

Communicating with the customers through the right channel is an important step to success in projects.

United Arabic EmiratesDutchUSATurkey